About Sandra
Personal Profile

I have been a seeker of Truth since a child, always wanting to know: from where we come from, why we are here, and who created us. My search for answers took me around the world as a yoga and meditation teacher for 20 years, until abruptly, as if propelled by some unseen force, I was plucked up from my ashram in China and plunked back down into my own backyard of the U.S. only to go through a very long dark night of the soul complete with illness, heartbreak, loss, and financial hardship – the gamut.
During those difficult times, I explored many different energy healing modalities, searching for the best one that felt right for me. And I finally found it in 2012 when I had my very first Theta Healing session and took my first Basic DNA seminar.
That’s when everything in my life began to turn around for the better: health, relationships, finances. The more I replaced my un-serving programs and beliefs with positive ones by using the Theta Healing technique, the more my life changed exponentially.
Since then, I have experienced joy, contentment, and abundance on a level I have never experienced before. There is no end to how the Theta Healing® technique can change one’s life into an attainable miracle.
As a result of my life changing experiences with ThetaHealing, I have become a Certified Theta Healing® Instructor and Advanced ThetaHealing® Practitioner in order to share the miracle of this amazing healing modality.

Instructor Certifications
Theta Intro
Basic DNA
Advanced DNA
Dig Deeper
You and The Creator
Manifesting and Abundance
You and Your Inner Circle
Soul Mate
World Relations

Building Intuition for Kids

Building Intuition for Young Adults

ThetaHealing - Certificate of science
Practitioner Certifications

Basic DNA
Advanced DNA
Dig Deeper
You and The Creator
You and Your Inner Circle
You and Your Significant Other
You and the Earth
Manifesting and Abundance​​
Planes of Existence
Intuitive Anatomy
Disease and Disorder
World Relations
Game of Life
Rhythm to a Perfect Weight
Animal Seminar
Building Intuition for kids
​Building Intuition for Young Adults