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Practice Workshops are a great way to improve your ThetaHealing skills and increase your intuitive and manifesting abilities.

You will gain frequent practice under the guidance of a seasoned instructor who can answer questions and help those who may need some assistance.

Within a few months of Practice Workshops, you will be able to see your own progress and an increased level of confidence as you work on yourself, your loved ones, or your clients.

The purpose of the monthly Practice Workshops Is to provide practitioners an opportunity to:


- Do belief work and healing work related to various ThetaHealing® seminars
- Practice exercises taught in the various ThetaHealing® seminars
- Receive downloads related to certain topics
- Ask questions and receive answers in a safe, supportive environment
- Be part of a ThetaHealing® community and connect with like-minded individuals

All those who have completed and certified in the BASIC DNA course are welcome to attend.

The Practice Workshops are organized, structured, and are designed to be relaxed, fun, and informative.


Investment each class: $30


One time investment of 6 Practice Workshops: $90

Practice Workshops will be held online, via ZOOM. Registration will be necessary.
Los excursionistas en paisaje montañoso

Healer, Heal Thyself

January 17, Wednesday

7 pm - 9 pm

This workshop will focus on some of Vianna’s tips on how to be an effective healer. It will cover topics such as instant healings, how to prepare for instant healings, understanding healing, and the nature of healers. It will also include breaking into practice groups to do belief work on beliefs from Vianna’s book, ThetaHealing, Introducing an Extraordinary Energy Healing Modality. All workshops include powerful downloads.


Digging for Deeper Healing

April 17, Wednesday

7 pm - 9 pm

This workshop will focus on some of Vianna’s tips and examples of how to do better and more effective digging. Number 1 is practice! That’s why coming to these workshops is a plus! It will include breaking into practice groups to do belief and digging work based on the 8 Shortcuts of Digging found in the Digging for Beliefs book. All workshops include powerful downloads.


Intuitive Healing of the Body

May 15, Wednesday

7 pm - 9 pm

This workshop will focus on information that Vianna shares about the body in the Intuitive Anatomy class. We will look at one system of the human body, how it works, and muscle test those beliefs that are connected to it. It will also include breaking into practice groups to do belief work. All workshops include powerful downloads.



February 21, Wednesday

7 pm - 9 pm

This workshop will be a follow up of the new class Vianna just launched called “Love of Self” which she will be teaching Feb. 7-8 and April 12-13. This new class is all about unlocking your psychic senses and understanding your innate abilities. It is a roadmap to self-empowerment. The workshop will include also include breaking into practice groups to do belief work related to this new class. All workshops include powerful downloads.


Healing the Child Mindset

March 20, Wednesday

7 pm - 9 pm

This workshop will focus on some of Vianna’s tips regarding the different stages in the development of the mind, primarily the child mindset and how the underdevelopment of the child mind (regardless of the reason) can have detrimental effects in adulthood. It will include breaking into practice groups to do belief work on some aspects of the child mindset. This information comes from the Relationship Series class, You and Your Inner Circle. All workshops include powerful downloads.

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June 19, Wednesday

7 pm - 9 pm

This workshop will focus on Vianna’s concept of self empowerment. It will include breaking into practice groups to clear blocks on self-trust, trustworthiness, success, and accountability. All workshops include powerful downloads.

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