This important seminar came about because every time Vianna taught a class, someone would inevitably ask her how to know if the information they receive is really from the Creator.
The You and the Creator course is now a foundational seminar of the ThetaHealing® Technique that teaches one how to know the difference between communicating with the energy of the Creator of All That Is and communicating with their ego or their higher self. It teaches one to understand the undercurrent of their own subconscious mind and how one actually works at solving problems.
You will learn to understand and discern the difference between information received from The Creator of All That Is, the higher self, and the ego. You will then learn to re-guide your subconscious and direct your mind to receive the highest truth of the Creator of All That Is, that perfect, pure, all knowing love energy that is in everyone and everything.

Seminar Includes: You and The Creator Book, and You and the Creator PDF Handout,
and You and The Creator Practitioner Certification
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
Duration: 3, 4 or 5 Consecutive Days
Price: $475
Scholarships and payment plans are available.
2 Course, 3 Course, and 4 Course packages are available.
All Retake Classes are half the original class price.
Individual custom-tailored classes can be arranged to meet your specific schedule needs. An additional charge may be added to the class price for this one-on-one benefit.